Melody! |
How cute is that face??? We've had her for a week now and its been awesome. She is so cute, obviously, and pretty good. She's definitely come out of her shell a little bit in the past week.
She lays like this a lot...weirdo. |
Loves that hedgehog toy. |
She does a lot more than just sleep, don't worry. We are working on sit, stay, and lay down right now. She has sit 95% of the time but she is very easily distracted. She will stay as long as she's not too disctracted and she can see us. Working on staying when we're out of sight. Lay down is very sketchy right now and we probably wouldn't bother with it until she completely has sit and stay but there are times we need her to lay down...like when we're eating or when she's going after Hamlet.
She is also very clingly and hates when John and I aren't both home and in the same room. If we're in different rooms she'll pace between us. During a workout over the weekend she laid down right next to me if I held still for more than 2 seconds.
Scooted in while I tried to do situps. |
Elevated side plank with a leg lift...she tried to get right on my leg. |
You can thank the last two years of working with preschool children for giving me the multitasking skills that allowed me to take a picture while working out.
Also, my camera is kinda messed up so all these pics are from my phone, my bad.
Anyway, best dog ever, she is awesome and I'm sorry if i talk about her all the time now the way I talk about running.
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