About two weeks ago, when I joined that second soccer team, I fell off the running wagon. That in itself is no big deal but I'm registered to run a half marathon in nineteen days. I have been on one run since I joined that team and it was a sad two miles followed by three miles of some unfocused speed work on the treadmill. Saturday I decided I had to start running again. I planned for five miles on Sunday but that didn't happen. Monday was soccer practice and with the knee issues I have I don't combine soccer and running on the same day. So today, Tuesday, was the day. I got up when John left for work, as usual, but this time I actually put on running clothes.
I sat on the couch drinking water and eating a snack while checking email, facebook, and some of the blogs I follow. A friend of mine is currently second place in a weight loss challenge in which the contestants blog about their progress. A lot of times things that should be a source of motivation for me are very discouraging. My friend has a lot of weight to lose. She has four kids and a job. And yet she is eating right and working out at least four days a week, including doing the Couch to 5K program which is what I completed this past January. Instead of thinking Man, she is awesome for doing all this, I should go work out right now because if she can do it, so can I! I think, Man, she is awesome for doing all this, and here I am on my freakin butt shoving Chex Mix in my mouth by the shovel full. I am so lame. This morning though, she had this on her blog:
Act as if you're smart.
Act as if you're loving.
Act as if you're brave.
Act as if you're successful.
Act as if you're kind.
Act as if you're caring.
Act as if you feel peace.
Act as if you're healthy.
Act as if you always smile.
Act as if you're excited.
Act as if your life is great.
You do not have to have it yet to act as if you do.
You do not have to have it yet to feel as if you do.
Rise up each morning and imagine that you have it or feel it or own it or are it.
What would you do if you were thin or smart or successful or brave?
What would you do if you were kind or loving or honest or true?
What would you do if you felt excited about the life you have or want? What choices would you make? How would you be changed? How would you react to others?
What things would you do? How would you arrange your day? Where would you go? Whom would you talk to? How would you spend your time?
You don't have to live in the unhappy past, because the minute you decide to start to live every moment
AS IF you're happy
AS IF you're smart
AS IF you're healthy
AS IF you're kind
AS IF you're successful
AS IF you're brave
...is the moment your life starts to change.
~ Rozanne Paxman
After reading that, I put down the computer, strapped on my Garmin and headed out the door. I don't have to be excited to run (I wasn't) but I know the feeling that comes after the run and I love it. I've worked REALLY hard to get to where I am running wise and all that hard work can be gone in just a few weeks.
After my run, I went to log it on dailymile and stopped over to See Meggie Run. Her post today was about fresh starts. It was exactly what I needed to read after my sub-par run this morning. My run this morning wasn't pretty. Aside from the first mile, it wasn't fun. But I did it. And this run will help me on future runs. My favorite run to date was my eight miler a few weeks ago. It wasn't particularly fast or easy but shoot, I ran eight miles before most people had gotten out of bed. And I didn't die. It was actually enjoyable. And I can't run eight miles if I can't run five miles and I can't run five miles if I never put on my running shoes and head out the door. So this morning, I finally did.
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