Thursday, November 10, 2011

Half Marathon Plan

I’ve been putting off writing this because I really couldn’t figure out what my plan would be for the longest time. Now I think I’ve got it. At least, I’ve got the ‘for now’ plan when my head will inevitably come up with something else while I’m trying to will myself to sleep tomorrow night.
So, the plan is, there is no plan. Just some things I want to remember when the gun goes off Saturday morning.
·         Run my race (Don’t go out too fast).
I have a very bad habit of freaking out when people pass me. I don’t know why, I have no pipe dreams of winning the race or even placing in my age group. I know I’m not even fast for a “normal person.” But still, I feel like I’m back in high school soccer running the mile and the need to be first kicks in. Not this time. I’m going to do my best to pretend I’m all alone on one of my long runs, and just do the damn thing.
·         Hydrate.
During my first half, I made the silly mistake of not really drinking anything until mile six. I guess I thought that the hurricane rain that was all around me would hydrate me via osmosis. That didn’t work out, which resulted in me realizing I was dying of thirst that couldn’t be quenched until I chugged a bottle of water-something that cannot happen during a race. I LIVED for the water stations for seven miles. Seriously, all I could think about after throwing that empty paper cup on the ground was the moment when I could grab another full one. Not a good way to spend more than half the race.
·         Have fun.
Not that my fist half wasn’t fun but…okay it really wasn’t that fun. Being around other runners=fun. Crossing the finish line=fun. But the actual running-not so fun. I think the key to this one is the first bullet. On my training long runs I turn into a motivational speaker and tell myself how freaking awesome I am every other step. Then come race time all I see are people passing me and I become mentally unstable and panic. That makes for not a lot of fun.
I’ve had issues with shin splits and a last minute soccer injury that’s kind of prevented me from finishing my training. But I know I’m ready. My runs this time around have been easier, I’ve felt stronger, and ran faster. My only time goal is 2:20. I know I have it in me to get a 2:15. But who knows what will happen on Saturday? If all else fails, I'll just focus on the junk food station at mile 9...


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