Friday, January 20, 2012

Things I am Liking Lately...

1. SPIN. Oh my goodness. I cannot believe I didn't try it sooner. It makes Thursday one of my favorite days of the week. It is just so. much. fun. The loud music, the darkness, Ricky*, and the sweat (now that it is winter, sweat is very valuble to me)...good times. I think I like it as much as I like running. Yeah, I just said that.

2. Work. I'm one of those (lucky) people who actually like the career field they're in.** I'm happy that I'm actually doing what I went to school for (kinda) and that I work with an amazing, although very set in her ways, teacher who is teaching me a lot. Also, it gives me an excuse to listen to Raffi at the age of 24 and not seem like a nut.

3. Bodyrock. I had been staying away from Bodyrock for a while because they started incorporating all sorts of equipment that I don't own or want to own. They've really stepped their game up with the new trainers who show modifications for people who don't have the equipment. I also found this online interval timer which is easier to use than the stopwatch on my phone. Finally, although I miss working out "with" Zuzana, I like that she's putting up a lot of recipes on the site.

4. Winter. HA! Just kidding, that goes on the list of things I am hating. Replace winter with "reading." I felt like I was in a reading slump after reading The Hunger Games series (you had better believe I will be at the midnight showing when the movie opens).

I like for a book to inspire me in some way or at least make me so invested in the characters to the point that they're almost real. The books I read after the Hunget Games just didn't do it for me. At the beginning of the year I started reading Big Machine by Victor LaValle. Most of the book was kind of disturbing and just...strange. And when I say most I mean all but the last ten pages or so. The last ten pages completely changed my opinion of the book and made me excited to read again. I'm currently reading Bridge of Sighs by Richard Russo and while I'm not completely sold on it yet, I have high hopes.

5. Pigeon Pose. Dr. Google has diognosed me with runner's knee and this pose feels FANTASTIC on my hip. The other day I just had to drop to the floor in the middle of the hallway to get some pigeon.

Bonus! Chipotle. Really, this is something I'm loving all the time. I don't think there's ever been food that I like as much as I like my Chipotle. I could literally eat it all the time, and no, I'm not even close to exaggerating. I keep waiting for it to get old but it never does. I would not be surprised if they put some chemical in that spicy salsa that makes it addicting.

*The yoga class I used to go to on Mondays was preceded by a step class. I would watch class while I waited for my own to start. There was a guy in the class named Ricky who yelled a lot and had a ton of engery and made me tempted to start going to step class too. Now he's in my spin class!

**Preposition at the end of a sentence, AH!


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